第51回 日新工業建築設計競技

課題「ネバーエンディング・ハウス(Never-Ending House)」


西沢 立衛 横浜国立大学大学院Y-GSA教授|SANAA|西沢立衛建築設計事務所代表
平田 晃久 京都大学教授|平田晃久建築設計事務所
吉村 靖孝 早稲田大学教授|吉村靖孝建築設計事務所代表
羽鳥 達也 日建設計設計管理部門設計グループ部長
藤村 龍至 東京藝術大学准教授|RFA主宰
相臺 志浩 日新工業代表取締役社長
中川エリカ 慶應義塾大学大学院専任講師|中川エリカ建築設計事務所代表


1等 1点 100万円
2等 1点 50万円
3等 1点 30万円
佳作 8点 各10万円
総額 260万円/すべて税込


2024年4月1日(月)~ 2024年10月1日(火)
2024年8月16日(金)~ 2024年10月4日(金)必着





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3. FAX






  • 応募作品は未発表の作品に限ります。
  • 本設計競技の応募作品の著作権は応募者に帰属しますが、入賞作品の発表に関する権利は主催者が保有します。
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〒120-0025 東京都足立区千住東2-23-4







The 51th Nisshin Kogyo architectural design competition
[Japanese / 日本語版]

"Never-Ending House"

When does architecture end? Even if the constructions were finished, the way they use the architecture would constantly change—just as good as the plants that would be planted in its yard growing. For more, there should be occasions for change according to an ever-changing climate scene. Or, of course, members of the family should change.

We now know that social situations will change, and it is definite. Earthquakes, plaques, or even wars will make us change our lifestyles, and eventually, our lives will never be the same.

Yes, Our life changes, and it never ends in a certain way.

And this is the question. a “Neverending house”.

Although “time” has been one of the significant themes of architecture, the word “neverending” is not only binded to the time. One would imagine neverending expansions of the space or the way of communications might never end.

We encourage you to imagine this “Neverending House” in quite various ways, and we look forward to your submissions.

Judges Ryue Nishizawa / Professor at Yokohama National University, Y-GSA (Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture)., SANAA., Office of Ryue Nishizawa [ Chairman ]
Akihisa Hirata / Professor at Kyoto University., akihisa hirata architecture office
Yasutaka Yoshimura / Professor at Waseda University
Tatsuya Hatori / Senior Director, Design group, Design General manager, Nikken Sekkei LTD
Ryuji Fujimura / Associate Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts., RFA
Yukihiro Sohdai / President, Nisshin Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Erika Nakagawa / Assistant Professor at Keio University, Erika Nakagawa Office
Prizes First Prize [one] 1,000,000yen
Second Prize [one] 500,000yen
Third Prize [one] 300,000yen
Merit Prize [eight] 100,000yen each
(Total prizes amount : 2,600,000yen. All above prize money includes income tax.)
Schedule Registration Period: Apr. 1st (Mon) – Oct. 1st (Tue), 2024
Submission Period: Aug. 16th (Fri) – Oct. 4th (Fri), 2024

  • Submissions must arrive in the competition office by Oct. 4th (Fri), 2024, 5:00pm (Japan standard time)
  • Submissions will be accepted only through mail delivery. Hand or bike/bicycle courier deliveries will not be accepted.)
of Winners
  • The result of the screening will be informed to the winners and will be announced in the January 2025 issue of SHINKENCHIKU.

A registration number will be issued by e-mail after the registration form is properly completed.

  • One registration number is only valid for one submission.
  • For multiple submissions, register multiple times to receive individual registration number for each submission.
  • The Competition office cannot make any changes on the registration form for the participants, if any changes or mistakes in registration occur, re-registration is required.


  • All works should represent the theme just by drawings or pictures. Explanation in words should be kept to a minimum.
  • Drawings can be block plan, floor plan, elevation view, cross-section view, perspective view, model photo, etc.
  • You may use blue print, pencil, ink, color, photos, print etc. at your discretion.


  • Use ONE SHEET of thick Drawing paper (like Kent paper) of A2-Size (420mm x 594mm). Thin paper such as imitation vellum-paper should not be used since easy to break when opening the envelope.
  • Paneled or framed WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

■Notation of registration number:
Specify your registration number on the FRONT BOTTOM RIGHT of your submission using 30 POINT SIZE letters or more. (Please refer to the picture below)

  • Only your registration number should be listed on the front side of your submission.
  • Paste the application form on the BACK SIDE of your submission.

【 Front Side 】
Please specify your registration number starting with N on the bottom right side.


【 Back Side 】
Please print and paste the application form.


■Address for Submission:
Nisshin Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Attn. : Design Competition Office
2F, 2-23-4 Senju-Azuma, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, 120-0025, Japan
Phone : +81-3-3882-2613

  • Submissions will be accepted ONLY THROUGH MAIL DELIVERY. UPS, EMS, DHL or any other overseas mailing service will be accepted.
    Hand, Bike/bicycle courier deliveries, or data files sent online will NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  • Submissions can be packed in any form, though preferred to be sent flat to avoid rolling or damage.
  • All cost for submission such as shipping, delivery, tax, insurance etc. will be borne by the entrant.
  • If any charges or payment occurs when arriving at the competition office, the submission will be returned to the sender or to be held at the shipping company by sender’s expense.
  • Competition office will not be responsible for any lost submission while shipping.
  • Confirmation for submission arrival will not be answered by the competition office.

■Additional Information:

  • The sponsors will not answer any questions about the theme.
  • All entries should not have been published or shown to public before in whole or in part including social media.
  • Entries should not have been submitted simultaneously to any other competitions. Entries submitted to other competitions will be disqualified.
  • Competition entries must not infringe the copyright of any other works either in whole or in part. For example do not use images from magazines, books or websites.
  • If suspicion of infringement is found, the winning prize will be revoked by the sponsors.
  • If infringement or any other problem is found after announcement of the winning prizes, all the relevant responsibilities must be assumed by the entrants.
  • Change of application contents by the entrant after winning announcement will not be accepted.
  • Do not publish your submission in any form in whole or in part including social media until after the winners are announced on the competition web site.
  • The winners must not publish the winning works in anyway including social media until public announcement is made in the SHINKENCHIKU magazine.
  • Copyrights on the entries will remain to the property of the entrants, but the sponsors will reserve the right to publish the winning entries in magazines and other media.
  • Competition entries will not be returned.
  • Travel expenses for attending the award ceremony is borne by the entrant.
  • Any other questions not listed in this competition page will be answered by e-mail only.

Sponsor Nisshin Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Co-sponsor Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.

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