ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE The 18th and 19th editions finalists' exhibition

VENICE – The exhibition of the 18thᵃ and 19thᵃ editions finalists of Arte Laguna Prize, founded in 2006 to promote emerging art and authors from all over the world, will take place from 17th November to 8th December, 2024.

In the spaces of the Arsenale Nord in Venice, 240 artists and their works offer a cross-section of international Contemporary Art that this year – by choice of the curators Giulia Colletti and Chiara Canali – becomes even more interdisciplinary and trans-generational.

Curated by

Giulia Colletti and Chiara Canali


7th November – 8th December 2024

Promoted by

MoCA (Modern and Contemporary Art) Cultural Association


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Veneto Region, Metropolitan City of Venice, Municipality of Venice, Cà Foscari University of Venice, European Institute of Design


Venice, Nappe dell’Arsenale Nord
Waterbus stop: “Bacini/Arsenale Nord”
(A shuttle service is available from Arsenale Sud (Biennale di Venezia) until 24th of November)

Opening Hours

Every day, from 10:00 to 18:00


Free, with a donation of your choice to the MoCA cultural association

Info for Visitors

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