Ancient Tree Civilization and Residence Future International Architectural Design Competition

This competition is initiated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), organized by Kaisen Holding Group and executed by RIBA WFOE. With designverse and Young Bird Plan as strategic cooperative partners, this competition is released and open to all individuals and groups in global design fields.

The entrants(individuals/groups) of this competition are expected to fully consider the relationship of the buildings within the site and numerous ancient trees as IP. The theme of this competition, i.e., protection, return, inheritance, shall be expressed obviously. The relation of ancient trees’ civilization, humans and trees as well as nature is the core exploration and pursuit of this design. Designers shall design on the basis of this theme.

Registration Deadline

2021.04.12(CST 中国時間)

City, Country

Huizhou, China


【First Prize(Champion)】
1 winner; 1.5 million RMB(pre-tax) + RIBA Trophy + RIBA Certificate of Honor

【Second Prize (Top 6)】
5 winners; 200,000 RMB each(pre-tax)+ RIBA Trophy + RIBA Certificate of Honor

【Top 30】
24 winners; RIBA Trophy + RIBA Certificate of Top 30 Honor + Work Publication

【Top 100】
RIBA Certificate of Top 100 Honor + Work Publication

*Award money is sponsored by the organizer Kaisen Holding Group. Trophy and certificate of honor are provided by Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).


Young Bird Plan

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