概要 |
ブリッジングには、「異なる場所の間に橋を架け、つなぐこと」という意味があります。 つまり、ブリッジ=つなぐことで、それまでなかったことが起こるようになるのです。 では、建築がブリッジングの役割を果たせるとしたら、どのようなあり方があるのでしょうか。建築は、何と何をつなぐことができるのでしょうか。 つなぐことから建築を考えてみてください。 |
審査委員 (敬称略) |
【委員長】 |
賞金 | 総額 260万円/すべて税込 |
発表 | 審査の結果は入賞者に通知するとともに、『新建築』2018年1月号で発表いたします。 |
日程 | ■応募登録期間 |
応募規定 | ■登録方法 ※複数の作品を応募する場合は、作品ごとに登録してください。 ■提出図面 ■用 紙 ■登録番号の記載 ■質 疑 ■提出方法 ■その他
登録 | 登録は終了しました。 |
主催 | 日新工業株式会社 |
後援 | 株式会社新建築社 |
作品送付先 | 日新工業株式会社 |
Theme |
Bridging - Architecture that bridges “Bridging” signifies, “connecting different places by drawing bridges”. Once the bridge is drawn over the river, the traffic of people and matter is born. In short, to bridge means to connect two things that previously had no connection. If architecture can play a role in bridging, what would it be like? Please consider architecture from the perspective of connecting. |
Judges | [ Chairman ] Masaharu Rokushika / Chairman, Nihon Sekkei, Inc. Koh Kitayama / Prof. at Hosei University, established“architecture WORKSHOP” Tomohiko Yamanashi / Senior Executive Officer Deputy Head of Architectural Design Department Kumiko Inui / Prof. at Yokohama National Univ., Y-GSA(Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture), Established Office of Kumiko Inui Go Hasegawa / Visiting Professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA, Director of Go Hasegawa and Associates Kimitaka Soudai / President, Nisshin Kogyo Co., Ltd. |
Prizes | First Prize (one) 1,000,000yen Second Prize (one) 500,000yen Third Prize (one) 300,000yen Merit Prize (eight) 100,000yen each (Total prizes amount : 2,600,000yen. All above prize money includes income tax) |
Announcement of Winners |
The result of the screening will be informed to the winners and will be announced in the issue of ”SHINKENCHIKU” January 2018. |
Schedule | Entry Registration Period: April 3rd (Mon), 2017 ~ October 2nd (Mon), 2017 Entry Submission Period: August 21st (Mon), 2017 ~ October 6th (Fri), 2017 (Submissions must arrive in the competition office by Oct.6th (Fri) 2017) (Submissions will be accepted only through mail delivery. No hand or bike/bicycle courier deliveries are accepted.) |
Screening Requirements |
■Drawings: ■Materials: ■Inquiries: ■Submission: ■Address for Entries: ■Additional Information:
Registration | Application is closed |
Sponsor | Nisshin Kogyo Co., Ltd. http://www.nisshinkogyo.co.jp/ |
Co-sponsor | Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd. |
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